Friday, October 2, 2009

Splish Splashing in the Water!

This past Sunday we baptized Isaiah. Our good friend Fr. Kevin
Anderson came up to Duluth to preside at the baptism in our
living room in the midst of a small group of our family and friends.
We were very happy to invite our good friends Jay and Mary B.
to be his Godparents. It was a really beautiful service, the highlights included:

1. Fr. Kevin gave everyone the opportunity to come up to Isaiah and share what they hoped for his life. Who would have thought that this group would hope such beautiful and touching things?!?

2. Our niece Olivia was a barrel of funny comments. Here are a couple. First as we were putting on Isaiah's baptismal gown (more on this below) she was outraged that we were going to put this "dress" on Isaiah. Another great Livi moment came while people were sharing their hopes. She hoped that Isaiah would stay as cute and sweet etc. and she ended her hope/blessing by saying "God and Jesus." Very cute. Finally she wanted to do an interpretive dance with streamers at some point during the baptism. When given the chance, she decided she was shy.

3. The baptismal gown (aka the "dress" from #2) that Isaiah wore is over 100 years old and was worn by many people including Veronica, her sister Pearl, Veronica's grandmother, great aunts and uncles and more. For everyone baptized in it, there was another strip added to the bottom.

4. It was the first big event that we held at our new home as both of our immediate families along with a few friends came for the baptism. All was a big success. A little more work than expected, but all worth it.

5. Fr. Kevin was wonderful as always. He brought his guitar and lead the singing and brought a wonderful prayerful experience for this special day.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!!! There really are no other words. I'm so happy you had such a meaningful, beautiful, fun, spiritual, personal experience! How very special for your family!
