Monday, August 16, 2010

Family Vacations

We had the opportunity to spend some time near Lake Winibigoshish in Northern Minnesota with Nathan’s family. It was a relaxing few days and nice time with family. The weather was perfect and the sunsets were awesome. It was fun for Nathan and his family to be back at Lake Winnie as they used to go there every summer when Nathan was younger.

Our next trip was to South Dakota for Veronica’s family reunion. This was our first time camping with Isaiah since he became mobile, so we were curious how it was going to go. We cheated a little and packed the pack n’ play to help “contain” Isaiah while he slept. It went pretty smoothly, despite the storm the first night. So, again, we cheated and crashed in my parents’ cabin. Thankfully that was an option! J Isaiah got to play with his four cousins (all girls) that are all within six months of each other and had a blast. This year, Nathan and I were in charge of shirts, so we made all 122 members of my family t-shirts. The shirt that Isaiah is sporting is what we designed. After the reunion, we had an extra day with my family, so we took Isaiah swimming. He seems to have adjusted to the water after his swimming lessons.

The last vacation we had was again with Nathan’s family. We went camping near Stillwater, MN. We arrived a night early so we could spend some time in Stillwater; however, that seems to have been a mistake. Again, camping in our tent, a storm (or should I say 3) came up over night. I am afraid of storms, of course, so this was NOT a fun experience for me. We ended up running to our car for two of the storms because of the constant thunder and lightning and how heavy the rain was. We even got hail during the second storm. We went back to the tent after storm #2 hit and found ourselves in ankle deep water. Inside our tent was mostly dry, but we thought we’d for sure end up lying down in our sleeping bags and the water would all seep in. So, we called my sister-in-law who lives 45 minutes away and decided to stay there. So, at 2 AM we drove to Stacey’s house. During the drive, we encountered ANOTHER storm. We found ourselves driving about 20 m.p.h. Once we arrived at Stacey’s, we were exhausted! Luckily, when we woke up, the heat dried out our tent and camping pads and we were able to enjoy the sunshine. Isaiah had a blast in the lake and a fabulous time with his cousins.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you guys have had an awesome summer! And seriously the jam you must have from those berries! sounds yummy yummy!!
    I will definitely talk to you soon!
